Any publications, including text, graphic, scientific, music, program codes, scripts are subject to copyright registration in the universal register system without any limitations whatsoever, except for the size of the uploaded file, which should be max 7 MB.
Actually, copyright registration is carried out instantaneously, with no preliminary expert reviews when leakages of valuable information may occur.
Copyright registration entirely conforms to the copyright protection laws applicable in the USA, Russia, European Union, as well as to international agreements.
Thus, 100 % identification of the publication author and his/her 100 % protection can be ensured since all payment information is kept in different banks (payment systems), and this information is absolutely independent.
The authors’ certificate and the Register data can be used in legal proceedings of any level.
The website retrieval system enables independent search by different subjects.
SciReg, I passed this along to some friends of mine on facebook. Good stuff1 Thanks.