пятница, 18 февраля 2011 г.

Copyright registration.

Category SciReg catalog
World Academy of Natural Sciences / BAE / - institutional unit of the system registry SciReg.org, participant and partner of the World Organization for the Protection of Intellectual Property. / System SciReg.org confirms the authorship of the work of any kind, sensitive, with no restrictions on subject matter of copyright, fully complies with the laws of the United States, Russia, the EU, as well as international agreements on copyright protection, and no state or corporate institution may not deny rightsauthorship and creativity. In accordance with the estimate reported in the register of copyright works are assigned academic ranks for the four levels of achievement - "AAAA": the owner of copyright in the BAE / Academic Secretary / Academician, Professor, Master of Business Administration.The assignment to the level of achievements made on the basis of information about the applicant, contained in the register and the registry SciReg.org ACADEMY. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE issued an academician-secretary.
Created 2011-02-13 03:23:40

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